Making Lemons into Pretty Lemonade

We all have them.  The ugly pieces of art that you don't know what to do with.  Well, I've figured it out, you paint over them! Not that these paintings were ugly per say...but they really didn't evoke any emotion when I looked at them, I didn't find them interesting and in my option, they were LEMONS!

So I broke out my paints and decided to do some doctoring up!

Just not feeling it. TOO tan and TOO brown!


Still haven't decided if this one has reached it's final state yet.  Definitely like it more than before though! 


Boring boring boring, this looks like it could be a psychedelic kitchen counter as opposed to artwork. 


Still not sure about this one either.  I'll call it a work in progress... the pointalism blue dots took it a little too far.  Might be adding some dark and light gray drybrushing to cover some of the sand color and take away from the shapes of the dots. 

UPDATE!! Sometimes I guess you have to rip it apart to make it better.  Check out the updated version of how this second painting ended up: