Last Sunday I spent the majority of the day on Amazon Instant Video. I found three great documentary style movies on Frida, Hockney, and Matisse. (Listed in order of my preference and coincidentally in the order I watched them also.) Because I have a Prime account I was able to watch all of these for free, which I just adds to the value of the Prime account that I already love!
Nominated for multiple Academy Awards when it was first released, this movie is a great inspirational movie that stars Selma Hayek and brings to light the struggles Frida Kahlo went through in her lifetime, although she always kept high spirits.
David Hockney: A Bigger Picture
This one follows Hockney as he returns to the Yorkshire countryside to paint hundreds of pictures. Hockney is best known for the painting above but it was refreshing to see him in a different light, in his childhood habitat and the process he goes through as he creates works of art.
A Model for Matisse
This movie is based on a full blown interview with the nun, Sister Jacques-Marie, that Matisse supposedly had a thing for. Based more on the nun's life than Matisse's it does shed some light on her life and the friendship that her and Matisse had, along with the church they designed together.
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